Productivity Portfolio™

The Productivity Portfolio™ can be activated as a complete suite of services or as any number of individual components. We work with you to determine the ideal strategy, from deploying and managing them individually to operating the full collection of tactics in synchronicity.

No matter the configuration, the objectives are the same: simplify your life, maximize opportunities, and generate results.

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Services

Whether you need a simple one-time review, a temporary advisor, or an ongoing presence in your office, we can give you a reliable and accountable partner committed to your financial success.

Exit Strategy Planning

You’ve taken great efforts to start and maintain your business—but if you left today, would you and your business be ready? We guide you in planning a profitable departure from the business you’ve worked so hard to build.

Estate Planning

What are your goals, values, and vision for your future? We investigate and set an action plan for your personal and business assets in addition to coordinating lawyers and other professional services. You gain the peace of mind that comes from knowing your estate and legacy are secure.

Personal and Business Tax Planning

An excessive and confusing tax environment makes the coordination and analysis of your tax situation an essential part of future success. We work with you and your tax advisors to develop strategies that may minimize your tax burden and maximize the returns from your business.

Retirement Income Planning

After gaining a clear understanding of your desired retirement, we create a plan to give you the freedom to retire on your terms. Our vision is to create a flawless progression from your working life to the retirement you’ve striven so hard to achieve.

Insurance/Investment Implementation

A thorough coordination of your insurance and investment plans can ensure your finances are not only performing, they’re protected. We present recommendations and strategies, and develop an implementation plan based on your needs.

Business Opportunities

By gaining insights into your current business, we can plan and help evaluate the best way to take advantage of new opportunities.

Contact FullView Financial today to learn more about the Productivity Portfolio and the results it can generate for your business.